Upcoming Conferences and Events in Q1 2013

After PASS SQL Rally Nordic in Stockholm last year I am very happy to announce that I am going to speak at two more events in the first quarter of 2013.

I will do a session at the “Deutsche SQL Server Konferenz 2014” (=”German SQL Server Conference 2014″) on “Big Data Scenario mit Power BI vs. SAP HANA“. It is basically an advanced version of my blog post on SAP HANAs Big Data Scenario with Power BI with much more insights details on both technologies. The conference itself is a 3 day conference from 10th to 12th of February where day 1 is reserved for pre-conference sessions. It also features a lot of international speakers and of course also a good amount of English sessions (mine will be in German though). Also my colleague Marcel Franke will do a session about PDW and R which you also do not want to miss if you are into Big Data and predictive analytics!
Check out the agenda and make sure you register in time!

Later on the 6th of March I will speak at the SQLSaturday #280 in Vienna on “Scaling Analysis Services in the Cloud“. (This is not a typo, its really on 6th of March which is actually a Thursday!) The session focuses on how to get the best performance out of multidimensional Analysis Services solutions when they are moved to the Windows Azure cloud. In the end I will come up with some best practices and guide lines for this and similar scenarios.
Just make sure that you register beforehand to enjoy this full day of free sessions and trainings!

Hope to see you there!

Reporting Services MDX Field List and Using Measures on rows

When creating a Reporting Services report on top of an Analysis Services cube using the wizard it automatically creates a Field for each column in your MDX query. Those fields can then be used in your report. For reports based on a relational source the definition of these fields is quite simple, it is the same as the the column name of the originating query. For MDX queries this is very different. If you ever checked the definition of an automatically generated MDX field you will see a lengthy XML snippet instead:

The XMLs may look like these:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Field xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
       UniqueName="[Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory]" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Field xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
       UniqueName="[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]" />

As you can see those two are quite different in terms of xsi:type and UniqueName. The xsi:type “Level” refers to a dimension level whereas “Measure” refers to a measure. Depending on the type of field, different properties are available within the report:

For example the property BackgroundColor is only populated for fields of type “Measure” whereas the property UniqueName is only populated for fields of type “Level”. Measure properties are tied to the CELL PROPERTIES in your MDX query and Level properties are tied to DIMENSION PROPERTIES:

NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY { ([Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].ALLMEMBERS ) }
FROM [Adventure Works]

If we remove MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME from the DIMENSION PROPERTIES we would no longer be able to use Fields!Subcategory.UniqueName in our SSRS expressions, or to be more precise it would simply always return NULL (or NOTHING in terms of Visual Basic). The same of course is also true for the CELL PROPERTIES.

So far this is nothing really new but there are some more things about the fields of MDX queries. There is a third xsi:type called “MemberProperty” which allows you to query member properties without having to define separate measures within your query:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Field xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
       PropertyName="Category" />

Once we add a member property to our MDX query SSRS also automatically creates this field for us. NOTE, this is only possible by manually modifying the MDX!

NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY { ([Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].ALLMEMBERS ) }
    [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].[Category] ON ROWS
FROM [Adventure Works]

To get the [Category] which is associated to a given [Subcategory] you would usually need to create a separate measure like this:

MEMBER [Measures].[Category] AS (
[Product].[Subcategory].Properties( "Category" )

This has the very bad drawback that using the WITH MEMBER clause disables the formula engine cache for the whole query what may result in worse query performance. So you may consider using DIMENSION PROPERTIES instead of a custom Measure next time.


There is another very nice “feature” that is also related to the field list. If you ever had the requirement to create a parameter to allow the user to select which measure he wants to see in the report you probably came across this blog post by Chris Webb or this blog post by Rob Kerr. As you know by then, SSRS requires you to put the Measures-dimension on columns, otherwise the query is not valid. This is because the number of Measures is not considered to be dynamic (opposed to e.g. Customers) which allows SSRS to create a static field list. This makes sense as SSRS was originally designed for relational reporting and a table always has a fixed number of columns which are similar to fields in the final SSRS dataset. Using Measures on columns is the way how SSRS enforces this.

As we are all smart SSRS and MDX developers and we know what we are doing we can trick SSRS here. All we need to do is to write a custom MDX query using the expression builder – do not use or even open the Query Designer at this point otherwise your query may get overwritten!

SSRS also automatically creates the fields for us, but this time the fields are not defined correctly. It creates one field with a very cryptic name and the following XML definition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Field xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
       UniqueName="[Measures].[MeasuresLevel]" />

As you can see SSRS thinks that this field is of type “Measure” but it actually is a “Level”. After changing this little thing we can access all field properties that are unique to Level-fields like <Field>.UniqueName

So this is the final MDX query and the associated XML field definition:

{} ON 0,
FROM [Adventure Works]

Ensure that you have defined the necessary DIMENSION PROPERTIES here otherwise they will not be available/populated within the report!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Field xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
       UniqueName="[Measures].[MeasuresLevel]" />

In order to make use of this approach in a report parameter we further need to create calculated fields for our parameter label and parameter value:
The definition of the parameter is straight forward then:

You can not only use this approach to populate a parameter but you can also use it to crossjoin Measures on rows with any other hierarchy. This way you can avoid writing complex MDX just to work around this nasty SSRS limitation.


Sample SSRS report: CustomFieldList.rdl

Call for Speakers: SQLSaturday#280 Vienna

The SQL PASS Austria chapter is organizing a SQL Saturday in Vienna. It will be held on the March 6th 2014. (For those of you how are checking their calendars right now – yes it is actually a Thursday!) So register and be part of the first SQLSaturday that is held on a Thursday Smile!!!


Also the Call for Speakers is opened until January 5th, so make sure to submit your sessions by then.

Hope to see you there!

Using Power Query to analyze SSAS Disk Usage

Some time ago Bob Duffy blogged about on how to use Power Pivot to analyze the disk usage of multidimensional Analysis Services models (here). He uses a an VBA macro to pull meta data like filename, path, extension, etc. from the file system or to be more specific from the data directory of Analysis Services. Analysis Services stores all its data in different files with specific extensions so it is possible to link those files to multidimensional objects in terms of attributes, facts, aggregations, etc. Based on this data we can analyze  how our data is distributed. Do we have too big dimensions? Which attribute uses the most space? Do our facts consume most of the space (very likely)? If yes, how much of it is real data and how big are my aggregations – if they are processed at all?!? – These are very common and also important things to know for an Analysis Services developer.

So Bob Duffy’s solution can be really useful. The only thing I did not like about it was the fact that it uses a VBA macro to get the data. This made me think and I came up with the idea of using Power Query to get this data. Btw, make sure to check out the latest release, there have been a lot of improvements recently!

With Power Query you have to option to load multiple files from a folder and also from its sub folders. When we do this on our Analysis Services data directory, we get a list of ALL files together with their full path, filename, extension and most important in this case their size which can be found by expanding the Attributes-record:

The final Power Query does also a lot of other things to prepare the data so it can be later joined to our FileExtensions-table that holds detailed information for each file extension. This table currently looks like below but can be extended by any other columns that may be necessary and/or useful for you:

FileType FileType_Description ObjectType ObjectTypeSort ObjectTypeDetails
ahstore Attribute Hash Store Dimensions 20 Attribute
asstore Attribute String Store Dimensions 20 Attribute
astore Attribute Store Dimensions 20 Attribute
bsstore BLOB String Store Dimensions 20 BLOB
bstore BLOB Store Dimensions 20 BLOB
dstore Hierarchy Decoding Store Dimensions 20 Hierarchy
khstore Key Hash Store Dimensions 20 Key
ksstore Key String Store Dimensions 20 Key
kstore Key Store Dimensions 20 Key
lstore Structure Store Dimensions 20 Others
ostore Order Store Dimensions 20 Others
sstore Set Store Dimensions 20 Others
ustore ustore Dimensions 20 Others
xml XML Configuration 999 Configuration
fact.data Basedata Facts 10 Basedata
fact.data.hdr Basedata Header Facts 10 Basedata
fact.map Basedata Index Facts 10 Basedata
fact.map.hdr Basedata Index Header Facts 10 Basedata
rigid.data Rigid Aggregation Data Facts 10 Aggregations
rigid.data.hdr Rigid Aggregation Data Header Facts 10 Aggregations
rigid.map Rigid Aggregation Index Facts 10 Aggregations
rigid.map.hdr Rigid Aggregation Index Header Facts 10 Aggregations
flex.data Flexible Aggregation Data Facts 10 Aggregations
flex.data.hdr Flexible Aggregation Data Header Facts 10 Aggregations
flex.map Flexible Aggregation Index Facts 10 Aggregations
flex.map.hdr Flexible Aggregation Index Header Facts 10 Aggregations
string.data String Data (Distinct Count?) Facts 10 Basedata
cnt.bin Binary Configuration 999 Binaries
mrg.ccmap mrg.ccmap DataMining 999 DataMining
mrg.ccstat mrg.ccstat DataMining 999 DataMining
nb.ccmap nb.ccmap DataMining 999 DataMining
nb.ccstat nb.ccstat DataMining 999 DataMining
dt dt DataMining 999 DataMining
dtavl dtavl DataMining 999 DataMining
dtstr dtstr DataMining 999 DataMining
dmdimhstore dmdimhstore DataMining 999 DataMining
dmdimstore dmdimstore DataMining 999 DataMining
bin Binary Configuration 999 Binaries
OTHERS Others Others 99999 Others

As you can see the extension may contain 1, 2 or 3 parts. The more parts the more specific this file extension is. If you checked the result of the Power Query it also contains 3 columns, FileExtension1, FileExtension2 and FileExtension3. To join the two tables we first need to load both tables into Power Pivot. The next step is to create a proper column on which we can base our relationship. If the 3-part extension is found in the file extensions table, we use it, otherwise we check the 2-part extension and afterwards the 1-part extension and in case nothing matches we use “OTHERS”:

CONTAINS(FileTypes, FileTypes[FileType], [FileExtension3]), [FileExtension3],
CONTAINS(FileTypes, FileTypes[FileType], [FileExtension2]), [FileExtension2],
CONTAINS(FileTypes, FileTypes[FileType], [FileExtension1]), [FileExtension1],

Then we can create a relationship between or PQ table and our file extension table. I also created some other calculated columns, hierarchies and measures for usability. And this is the final outcome:

You can very easily see, how big your facts are, the distribution between base-data and Aggregations, the Dimensions sizes and you can drill down to each individual file! You can of course also create a Power View report if you want to. All visualizations are up to you, this is just a very simple example of a report.

Enjoy playing around with it!

(please note that I added a filter on the Database name as a last step of the Power Query to only show Adventure Works databases! In order to get all databases you need to remove this filter!)

SSAS Disk Analysis Workbook: SSAS_DiskAnalysis.xlsx

Trigger Cube-Processing from Excel using Cube Actions

Recently I faced the requirement to give specific users of my Analysis Services Multidimensional cube the opportunity to process the cube whenever they want. There are several ways to achieve this:
– start a SQL Agent that processes the cube
– create some kind of WebService that does the processing
– create some custom .NET application that does the processing
– run some script (PowerShell, Command Line, ascmd.exe, …)


The post describes a solution which requires SSAS Server Admin rights. If you are interested in a solution which triggers an asynchronous processing without requiring SSAS Server Admin Rights please scroll down to the very bottom and download VS_Solution.zip
It basically runs the same script but in a separate thread in the context of the service account so the calling user does not need to have any specific rights on the server.

From a usability point-of-view none of the above is really convenient as all options involve some kind of external process or application. In this post I will show how to process a cube using cube actions which can be triggered from Excel Pivot Tables natively. So this is what we want to achieve:



This requires several steps:
1) create custom .Net assembly
2) add that custom .Net assembly to your Analysis Services database
3) add an action to your cube that calls the assembly


Creating a Custom .Net assembly:

First of all we need to create a new “Visual C#” project of type “Class Library”. To work with Analysis Services we need to add two references:

“Microsoft.AnalysisServices” refers to Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll which  can be found in the shared features folder of your installation (default is c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server110SDKAssemblies)

“msmgdsrv” refers to msmgdsrv.dll which can found be in the OLAPbin-folder of your SSAS instance (default is c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSAS11.MSSQLSERVEROLAPbin)

Once these references are added, we can start to create our processing code:

using System;
using AdomdServer = Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer;
using Microsoft.AnalysisServices;
using System.Data;

namespace ASSP_Processing
    public class Processing
        public const string LoggingPrefix = “ASSP.ProcessObject: “;

        public enum ResultHandling
            Datatable = 0,
            Exception = 1,
            NULL = 2

        public static DataTable ProcessObject(string cubeName, ResultHandling resultHandling)
            DataTable ret = new DataTable();

            Server server = null;

                server = new Server();

                //connect to the current session…

                AdomdServer.Context.CheckCancelled(); //could be a bit long running, so allow user to cancel

                Database db = server.Databases.GetByName(AdomdServer.Context.CurrentDatabaseName);

                string objectToProcessName = “#N/A”;
                ProcessableMajorObject objectToProcess = db;

                AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, LoggingPrefix + “Database <“ + db.Name + “> found!”);
                objectToProcessName = “DB[“ + db.Name + “]”;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cubeName))
                    Cube cube = db.Cubes.GetByName(cubeName);

                    if (cube != null)
                        objectToProcess = cube;
                        AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, LoggingPrefix + “Cube <“ + cubeName + “> found!”);
                        objectToProcessName = objectToProcessName + ” > Cube[“ + cubeName + “]”;

                if (objectToProcess != null)
                    AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, LoggingPrefix + “Processing Object “ + objectToProcessName + ” …”);


                    ret.Rows.Add(new object[] { “S U C C E S S:    Object “ + objectToProcessName + ” successfully processed!” });
                    AdomdServer.Context.TraceEvent(0, 0, LoggingPrefix + “Finished Processing Object “ + objectToProcessName + “!”);
                    if (server != null)
                catch { }

            // if processing was successful a row has been added beforehand
            if (ret.Rows.Count == 0)
                ret.Rows.Add(new object[] { “F A I L U R E:    Error while processing an object!” });

            switch (resultHandling)
                case ResultHandling.Datatable:
                    return ret;

                case ResultHandling.Exception:
                    throw new Exception(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ret.Rows[0][0].ToString());

                case ResultHandling.NULL:
                    return null;

            return null;

        public static DataTable ProcessObject(string cubeName, int resultHandling)
            return ProcessObject(cubeName, (ResultHandling)resultHandling);

        public static DataTable ProcessObject(string cubeName)
            return ProcessObject(cubeName, 1);

There are two things here that are worth to point out. First of all we need to somehow establish a connection to the server that hosts the SSAS database in order to process an object. The first thing that comes into mind would be to create a new connection to the server and run some processing XMLA. Unfortunately this does not work here because as this would result in a deadlock. The assembly will be called as a Rowset-Action which in terms of locking is similar to a query. So if we run separate processing command within our Rowset-Action this processing command can never be committed as there is always a query running on the database. The query (=Rowset-Action) will wait until the function is finished and the function waits until the processing is committed resulting in a classical deadlock!

To avoid this we need to connect to the current users sessions using “*” as our connection string:

//connect to the current session…


The second thing to point out is the return value of our function. In order to be used in a Rowset-action, the function has to return a DataTable object. The results would then be displayed similar to a drill through and a separate worksheet would pop up in Excel showing the result:


From my point-of-view this can be a bit annoying as after each processing this new worksheet pops up and you loose the focus of the pivot table. So I investigated a bit and found another way to display the output of the processing.

When a drill through / action throws an exception, this will also be displayed in Excel without actually displaying the result of the drill through / action in a separate worksheet. By default it may look like this message:


Well, not really much information here right?

To display more information, e.g. that the processing was successful (or not) we can throw our own exception in the code after processing is done:


I added a separate parameter to control this behavior, in the code above the default would be option 3 – custom Exception.


Once this project is built the DLL can be added to the SSAS database. It is necessary to grant the assembly “Unrestricted” permission set:



The last step would be to create the appropriate cube actions that call the assembly:


It is necessary that the action is of Type=Rowset, otherwise it would not be displayed in Excel! The Action Target is up the you, in this example it will be displayed on every cell. The Action expression is the actual call to our assembly passing the cube name as a parameter. The second parameter controls how the result is displayed and could also be omitted.  In this example I added 3 separate actions, one for each result-type (as described above).

And that’s it! This simple steps allow you and your users to process any cube (or any other database object) from within your favorite client application, assuming it supports cube actions.

This is the final result where the three cube actions can be triggered from an Excel pivot table:



The attached zip-file includes everything that is necessary to recreate this example:
– SSAS project
– ASSP_Processing project


Solution for Asynchronous Processing without Admin-Rights:

SSAS Dynamic Security and Visual Totals

Security is always an important aspect of any BI solution. Especially for big enterprise solutions the security-concept can become very complex. Analysis Services Multidimensional  in general offers two option on how to define security: Cell Data Permissions and Dimension Data Permissions. Because of the huge impact on performance Cell Data Permissions are barely used. Dimension Data Permissions are usually the way to go and can cover probably 98% of the security requirements. Though, also Dimension Data Permissions can get quite complex, especially for large-scale cubes with 100+ or even 1000+ users. Just think of an Analysis Services that holds sales data associated to KeyAccounts – further assume that we have 100 KeyAccounts. Each of this KeyAccounts is managed by one user, so we would end up creating 100 roles – one for each KeyAccount and its manager. In terms of maintenance this can get quite complex and in the long run unmanageable.

To address this issue Analysis Services offers the concept of Dynamic Security. Dynamic Security is evaluated at runtime for each user and allows you to consolidate your roles. So for our example from above instead of having 100 different roles we would end up having one dynamic role serving all 100 users. Basically, when a user connects it queries internal data (within the cube using MDX) or external data (using Analysis Services Stored Procedure (ASSP)/Assemblies) to get the security settings for the current user. Especially in combination with ASSP this can be quite powerful as you can use any datasource that you can query using .Net-code to derive your security from.

To make a role "dynamic" you basically have two options:
1) Username() – returns the current users in format "MyDomainMyUser"
2) CustomData() – returns whatever was specified in the connectionstring’s CustomData-property

Both are native MDX-functions and can be used in an expression to build your Allowed Set, Denied Set or DefaultMember.


This works just fine, as long as the expressions returns a valid MDX set/member of course.
But what about the Visual Totals – setting? You can only check or uncheck the checkbox and you are not able to use any dynamic expressions. That’s what the UI offers you – no more no less. But there might be some rare scenarios where you also need to make the Visual Totals dynamically based on Username() or CustomData() – and this is what this post is about.


So, as we have already seen above, it is not possible to make the Visual Totals dynamically using the UI. Fortunately there are also other ways besides the UI to work with the cube and modify its structure. I am talking about XMLA (XML for Analysis Services) here, which is the protocol that is used for all communications between a client and Analysis Services. Instead of writing XMLA on your own there is also a programmatically way to do this: AMO (Analysis Management Object). AMO is a .Net library that allows you to integrate calls to Analysis Services within any .Net code. After modifying any object in the code AMO generates the according XMLA for you and sends it to the server which is a much more convenient way than writing plane XMLA on your own.

This means that you can also create/modify your security roles using AMO – this approach is already very well described by Benny Austin in his blog about SSAS: Using AMO to Secure Analysis Service Cube. I recommend reading this article before you continue here.

For this little example I create a slimmed down version of Adventure works. The model contains only the Date and the Product dimension. We will put our dynamic security on the Category attribute of our Product dimension. The model also already contains a predefined empty role called "DynamicVisualTotals" that we will modify later (after the model has been deployed) using AMO. Please note here that AMO only work with the Analysis Service directly (online) but not at design time in Visual Studio. Once everything is deployed this is the AMO code to use to modify the predefined role:

using Microsoft.AnalysisServices;

namespace ModifyRole_AMO
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (Server oServer = new Server())

                using (Database oDB = oServer.Databases.GetByName("DynamicVisualTotals"))
                    Role oRole = oDB.Roles.GetByName("DynamicVisualTotals");

                    Dimension oDim = oDB.Dimensions.GetByName("Product");
                    DimensionAttribute oAttr = oDim.Attributes.FindByName("Category");
                    DimensionPermission oDimPermission = oDim.DimensionPermissions.FindByRole(oRole.ID);

                    AttributePermission oAttrPermission = oDimPermission.AttributePermissions.Find(oAttr.ID);

                    // can be done in the UI
                    oAttrPermission.AllowedSet = "DynamicSecurity.DynamicAllowedSet(CustomData())";
                    // can not be done in the UI
                    oAttrPermission.VisualTotals = "DynamicSecurity.DynamicVisualTotals(CustomData())";


1) connect to server "localhost"
2) connect to database "DynamicVisualTotals"
3) get the Role-object for role "DynamicVisualTotals" from the database
4) get the Dimension-object for dimension "Product"
5) get the DimensionAttribute-object for attribute "Category"
6) get the DimensionPermission that is associated to our Role for dimension "Product"
7) get the AttributePermission that is associated to our attribute "Category"

So far this is straight forward. The AttributePermission object actually represents the UI that we have seen above. It has properties for all the fields and textboxes on the UI. The most important of course are:
– AllowedSet
– DeniedSet
– Defaultmember
– and VisualTotals

For the first three I was already aware that they are of type String but the VisualTotals I expected to be Boolean which turned out to be wrong – it is also a String!


Naïve as I am I simply put a MDX expression in there that resolves to "1" or "0" (Boolean, similar to the Checkbox in the UI, it could probably also resolve to "true" or "false" or a Boolean type directly but I did not further test this) – and, it worked like a charm! The MDX expression I used refers to an ASSP called DynamicSecurity which contains a function called "DynamicVisualTotals" that returns "1" or "0" based on what was passed in the connectionstring using CustomData():

using Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer;

namespace DynamicSecurity
    public static class DynamicSecurity
        public static string DynamicVisualTotals(string customData)
            if (customData == "1")
                return "1";

            return "0";

        public static Set DynamicAllowedSet(string customData)
            string mdxEpression;
            Expression exp;
            Set s;

            if (customData == "1")
                mdxEpression = "{[Product].[Category].&[1]}";

                mdxEpression = "{[Product].[Category].&[3], [Product].[Category].&[4]}";

            exp = new Expression(mdxEpression);
            s = exp.CalculateMdxObject(null).ToSet();

            return s;

(This ASSP has to be compiled and added to the database first to make the Dynamic Security work. This is describe here in more detail.)

And that’s it!

Once everything is done
1) Deploy the solution to the sever
2) (add ASSP if not already included in the solution)
3) Execute the AMO code (first listing)
we can use Excel to check the results:



The used connection strings are as follows:

Provider=MSOLAP.5;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=DynamicVisualTotals;Roles=DynamicVisualTotals;CustomData=0


Provider=MSOLAP.5;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=DynamicVisualTotals;Roles=DynamicVisualTotals;CustomData=1

Make sure to also use the Roles-property for testing as if you are administrator these privileges would overwrite all other security settings!


Additional Notes:

As AMO is just a wrapper for XMLA we could also use XMLA directly to modify our role:

<Alter AllowCreate="true" ObjectExpansion="ObjectProperties" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine">
        <DimensionID>Dim Product</DimensionID>
        <DimensionPermission xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ddl2="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine/2" xmlns:ddl2_2="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine/2/2" xmlns:ddl100_100="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2008/engine/100/100" xmlns:ddl200="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2010/engine/200" xmlns:ddl200_200="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2010/engine/200/200" xmlns:ddl300="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2011/engine/300" xmlns:ddl300_300="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2011/engine/300/300" xmlns:ddl400="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2012/engine/400" xmlns:ddl400_400="http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2012/engine/400/400">
                    <AttributeID>Product Category Name</AttributeID>


Please note that XMLA always uses the internal IDs which may not be the same as the name of the objects!


In this post I showed how to use AMO and XMLA to modify a security role and use an expression to make the VisualTotals setting dynamic which is not possible using the UI only. This is just a very simplified example but I used this approach on some of my enterprise deployments and it works just fine also for very complex scenarios.


The attached zip-file includes everything that is necessary to recreate this example:
– SSAS project
– ASSP project
– AMO project (and XMLA script)
– final Excel with results


DAX vs. MDX: DataMembers in Parent-Child Hierarchies

Recently when browsing the MSDN PowerPivot Forums I came across this thread where the question was ask on how to show the value which is directly linked to an element in a parent-child hierarchy instead of the aggregation of all "children". In this post I am going to address this problem finally showing a proper solution.


First of all I would like to start with some background to so called "datamembers". The term "datamember" originates from parent-child hierarchies in multidimensional models. It is a dummy-member that is created automatically below each hierarchy-node to hold values that are linked to a node-member directly. This is of course only possible for parent-child hierarchies.

Take the following MDX-Query for example:

[Measures].[Sales Amount Quota] ON 0,
FROM [Adventure Works]
WHERE [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2006]


As we can see, the value of "Amy E. Alberts" is not the Sum of its children but has a difference of $108,000.00 This difference is because of the "datamember" that is also a child of every parent-child node which may be hidden. For multidimensional models his behavior can be changed by setting the MembersWithData-Property to "NonLeafDataVisible":



Executing the same query again we now get this results:


Now we see "Amy E. Alberts" twice – the node and the datamember.


Doing a similar query on a tabular model we will get this result by default:


As you can see, we still have the datamember but without any caption. Though, this can of course be changed when you flatten out the hierarchy using DAX by simply replacing BLANK() by "<my datamember caption>" in your calculated columns.


Anyway, this is not the topic of this post but just some background information. Now we will focus on how to query data that is directly associated to a node or its corresponding datamember in MDX and DAX.



For MDX this is quite easy as the datamember can be referenced by simply using ".datamember" of a given hierarchy node:


MEMBER [Measures].[DataMember] AS (
[Measures].[Sales Amount Quota],
), FORMAT_STRING = 'Currency'

[Measures].[Sales Amount Quota],
} ON 0,
FROM [Adventure Works]
WHERE [Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Year].&[2006]


The DataMember-Measure only shows values that are directly linked to the current node of the parent-child hierarchy. This is pretty straight forward and very easy to accomplish.



In this DAX this problem is a bit more tricky as we do not have that built-in ".datamember" function. Also navigation within hierarchies and parent-child hierarchies itself are not really supported in DAX. Though, there are several blogs out there that describe how to handle parent-child hierarchies by Alberto Ferrari (here) and Kasper de Jonge (here). Based on these solutions we can create our datamember-calculation.

First (and only) thing we need is to add a calculated column that stores the path depth of the current row. This can be achieved by using this formula:



Using our previous example and selecting "Amy E. Alberts" together with our new column we get this:


As we can see there are two different Levels below "Amy E. Alberts" where Level=3 holds our datamember-value and Level=4 holds all the other values (=real child members). Lets add a calculated measure to help you make the final calculation more understandable:



So, for our [DataMember]-calculation we simply have to extend the context to only include rows where [Level] = [MinLevel]

SUM('Sales Quota'[Sales Amount Quota]),
    'Employee'[Level] = [MinLevel]))


Well, obviously our calculation is not returning the expected results. This is because of a very common pitfall which I am also very prone to. Whenever a calculated measure is used within an other calculated measure, a CALCULATE() gets wrapped around it thereby taking over the current context. In our case this means that ‘Employee'[Level] will always be the same as [MinLevel] as [MinLevel] gets evaluated for each row and doing MIN() on only one row of course always returns the value of the current row which we compared it to!

To solve this issue we have to place the original [MinLevel]-calculation directly into our [DataMember]-calculation:

SUM('Sales Quota'[Sales Amount Quota]),
    'Employee'[Level] = MIN(Employee[Level])))


This change finally makes the calculation return the correct results also when browsing using the hierarchy:



Even though DAX is not very good in handling hierarchies, the [DataMember]-calculation can be accomplished quite easily. This calculation also works for hierarchies of any depth without needing to adopt it. In terms of performance it may be further improved to the following formula – though the impact will be minor:

SUM('Sales Quota'[Sales Amount Quota]),
    'Employee'[Level] = MIN(Employee[Level])))


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Universal Quantiles Calculation for PowerPivot using DAX

In my last post I showed a new approach on how to calculate the median in PowerPivot using DAX. In the comments the question was raised whether it is possible to make that calculation universal for all kind of Quantiles like Median, Quartiles, Percentiles, etc. and that’s what this post is about.

Lets analyze the final Median calculation from the last post:

Median SA Months:=CALCULATE([SumSA],
2-MOD([Cnt_Months], 2),
([Cnt_Months] + 1) / 2,
(2-MOD([Cnt_Months], 2))


The Median defines the value in the middle of an ordered set. To get the first half (+1 to handle even and odd sets) of the whole we are using TOPN function:

([Cnt_Months] + 1) / 2,

The important part here is the “divide by 2” to split the set in the middle to start our Median calculation. Instead of dividing by 2 we could also multiply by 0.5 where 0.5 would be the separator for our quantile (in this case the Median). This expression can be made dynamic. For the first Quartile we would use 0.25 for the second Quartile (=Median) we would use 0.5 and for the third Quartile we would use 0.75.

I created a little linked table to demonstrate the dynamic approach:

Quantile SortOrder Percentage
Median 1 0.5000
Quartile 1 401 0.2500
Quartile 2 402 0.5000
Quartile 3 403 0.7500
Sextile 1 601 0.1667
Sextile 2 602 0.3333
Sextile 3 603 0.5000
Sextile 4 604 0.6667
Sextile 5 605 0.8333

We also need to add a calculated measure that returns the percentage-value of the currently selected Quantile:



Now we can change our old Median-calculation to be dynamic by using the measure defined above:

Quantile SA Months:=CALCULATE([SumSA],
2 – MOD([Cnt_Months], 2),
ROUNDUP(([Cnt_Months] + 1) * [SelectedQuantile], 0),
(2 – MOD([Cnt_Months], 2))

We also need to explicitly add ROUNDUP() as “([Cnt_Months] + 1) * [SelectedQuantile]” may return any decimal places whereas the previous divide by 2 could only result in a x.5 which was rounded up automatically. And well, that’s all we need to change in order to make the calculation universal for all different Quantiles! The rest is the same logic that I already described for Median calculation.


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Calculating Median in PowerPivot using DAX

I just came across this blog post by Bill Anton where he discusses several approaches to calculated the Median of a given set in T-SQL, MDX and DAX. In the end of his post when it comes to the DAX calculation, he references several post by Marco, Alberto and Javier (post1, post2) that already address that kind of calculation in DAX. But he also claims that non of the solutions is “elegant”. Well, reason enough for me to try it on my own and here is what I came up with. Its up to you to decide whether this solution is more elegant than the others or not 🙂

In general, the median calculation always varies depending on the number of items and whether this number is even or odd.
For an even population the median is the mean of the values in the middle:
the median of {3, 5, 7, 9} is is (5 + 7)/2 = 6
For an odd population, the median is the value in the middle:
the median of {3, 5, 9} is 5

In both cases the values have to be ordered before the calculation. Note that it does not make a difference whether the values are sorted in ascending or descending order.


In this example, our set contains 12 items (=months) so we have to find the 2 items in the middle of the ordered set – December and February – and calculate the mean.

So, how can we address this problem using DAX? Most of the posts I mentioned above use some kind of combination of ranking – RANKX() – and filtering – FILTER(). For my approach I will use none of these but use TOPN instead (yes, I really like that function as you probably know if you followed my blog for some time).

In this special case, TOPN() can do both, ranking and filtering for us. But first of all we need to know how many items exist in our set:



This value will be subsequently used in our next calculations.

To find the value(s) in the middle I use TOPN() twice, first to get the first half of the items (similar to TopCount) and then a second time to get the last values that we need for our median calculation (similar to BottomCount):


As the median calculation is different for even and odd sets, this also has to be considered in our calculation. For both calculations MOD()-function is used to distinguish both cases:

Items_TopCount:=IF(MOD([Cnt_Months],2) = 0,
([Cnt_Months] / 2) + 1,
([Cnt_Months] + 1) / 2)

For an even number of items (e.g. 12) we simply divide the count of items by 2 and add 1 which gives us a (12 / 2) + 1 = 7 for our sample.
For an odd number of items (e.g. 5) we first add 1 to our count of items and then divide by 2 which gives us (5 + 1) / 2 = 3

Items_BottomCount:=IF(MOD([Cnt_Months],2) = 0, 2, 1)

For an even number of items we have to consider the last 2 values whereas for an odd number of items we only have to consider the last value.


These calculations are then used in our median calculation:

Median SA Months:=CALCULATE([SumSA],
[SumSA] * -1))

As DAX has no built-in BOTTOMN()-function, we need to “abuse” the TOPN() function and multiply the OrderBy-value by “–1” to get the BOTTOMN() functionality. As you can see most of the logic is already handled by our [Items_TopCount] and [Items_BottomCount] measures and this pattern can be reused very easily.


Of course all these calculations can also be combined and the use of IF() can be avoided:

Median SA Months v2:=CALCULATE([SumSA],
2 – MOD([Cnt_Months], 2),
([Cnt_Months] + 1) / 2,
[SumSA] * -1))
(2 – MOD([Cnt_Months], 2))

Note: for an even population ([Cnt_Months] + 1) / 2 returns X.5 which is automatically rounded up when it is used in a function that expects a whole number. In our example this is what happens: (12 + 1) / 2 = 6.5 –> 7

These are the final results:



Additional content:

We could also use AVERAGEX() to calculate our median but I think that it is some kind of overhead to use AVERAGEX() just to divide by “1” or “2” depending on the number of items that our TOPN-functions return:

Median SA Months AvgX:=AVERAGEX(
2-MOD([Cnt_Months], 2),
([Cnt_Months] +1) / 2,
[SumSA] * -1),


As you can see there are various approaches to calculate the median, its up to you which on you like most. I have not tested any of them in terms of performance over bigger sets – this may be topic for an upcoming post.


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Another Post about Calculating New and Returning Customers – Part 2

In my previous post I showed a new approach on how to calculate new (and returning) customers in PowerPivot/tabular using DAX. We ended up with a solution where we added the customers first order date as a calculated column to our customer-table. This column was then linked to our date-table with an inactive relationship. The final calculation used USERELATIONSHIP() to make use of this relationship as follows:

New Customers:=CALCULATE(
USERELATIONSHIP(Customer[FirstOrderDate], ‘Date’[Date]))

This calculation performs really well as it does not have to touch the fact-table to get the count of new customers. And this is also the issue with the calculation as other filters are not reflected in the calculation:


Take row 2 as an example: we have 8 “Total Customers” of which 12 are “New Customers”. Obviously an error in the calculation. The PivotTable is filtered to Category=”Road Bikes” and we have 8 customers on the 2nd of February that bought a road bike. The “New Customers” calculation on the other hand is not related to the Subcategory and shows 12 as in total there were 12 new customers for all products.


To get our calculation working also with other filters we have to somehow relate it to our fact-table. So far we calculated the customers first order date only in the customer table. The customers first order may be related to several fact-rows, e.g. one row for each product the customer bought. Our “New Customers” calculation should only include customers that are active considering also all other filters.

To identify a customers first order in our fact-table we can again use a calculated column and also re-use our previous calculated column in our Customer-table that holds the customers first order date:

[Order Date]

This returns True for all fact-rows associated with a customers first order and False for all other rows.

The final “New Customers v2” calculation is quite simple then – in addition to the active filters we add a further filter to only select rows that are associated to a customers first order:

New Customers v2:=CALCULATE(
[Total Customers],
‘Internet Sales’[IsCustomersFirstOrder] = TRUE())


And this are the results:


As you can see there are still differences between “New Customers OLD” and “New Customers v2”. But is this really a problem with the new calculation? Lets analyze the issue taking customer “Desiree Dominguez” where we encounter the first difference as an example:


“Desiree Dominguez” had her first order on the 22th of June in 2006. So she is actually no “new customer” in 2008. The reason why the old calculation counts her as “new customer” is that it was the first time that she bought a product of subcategory “Road Bikes”. Whether this is correct or not is up to your business definition of a “new customer”. According to my experience it is more likely that “Desiree Dominguez” is not counted as a new customer in 2008 and so the “New Customer v2” actually returns the more accurate results.


Additional stuff:

An other option for this calculation is to rank the [Order Date] or [Sales Order Number] for each customer within the fact-table using the calculation below:

ALL(‘Internet Sales’),
[CustomerKey] = EARLIER([CustomerKey])),
[Order Date],
[Order Date],

[Order Date] could be replaced by [Sales Order Number]. This makes sense if a customer can have multiple orders per day and you also want to distinguish further by [Sales Order Number]. The new field would also allow new analysis. For example the increase/decrease in sales from the second order compared to the first order and so on.

The “New Customer” calculation in this case would still be similar. We just have to filter on the new calculated column instead:

New Customers v3:=CALCULATE(
[Total Customers],
‘Internet Sales’[CustomersOrderNr] = 1)


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The multidimensional model:

The whole logic of extending the fact-table to identify rows that can be associated with a customers first order can also be used in a multidimensional model. Once we prepared the fact-table accordingly the calculations are quite easy. The biggest issues here does not reside in the multidimensional model itself but in the ETL/relational layer as this kind of operation can be quite complex – or better say time-consuming in terms of ETL time.

At this point I will not focus on the necessary ETL steps but start with an already prepared fact-table and highlight the extensions that have to be made in the multidimensional model. The fact-table already got extended by a new column called [IsCustomersFirstOrder] similar to the one we created in tabular using a DAX calculated column. It has a value of 1 for rows associated with a customers first order and 0 for all other rows.

The next thing we have to do is to create a new table in our DSV to base our new dimension on. For simplicity I used this named query:


This table is then joined to the new fact-table:


The new dimension is quite simple as it only contains one attribute:


You may hide the whole dimension in the end as it may only be used to calculate our “new customers” and nowhere else and may only confuse the end-user.


Once we have added the dimension also to our cube we can create a new calculated measure to calculate our “new customers” as follows:

CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[New Customers] AS (
[Measures].[Customer Count],
[Is Customers First Order].[Is Customers First Order].&[1]
), ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = ‘Internet Customers’
, FORMAT_STRING = ‘#,##0’;

The calculation is based on the existing [Customer Count]-measure which uses DistinctCount-aggregation. Similar to DAX with just extend the calculation by further limiting the cube-space where “Is customers First Order” = 1.

This approach also allows you to create aggregations if necessary to further improve performance. So this is probably also the best way in terms of query-performance to calculate the count of new customers in a multidimensional model.