Azure Data Factory v2 is Microsoft Azure’s Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution to schedule and orchestrate data processing jobs in the cloud. As the name implies, this is already the second version of this kind of service and a lot has changed since its predecessor. One of these things is how datasets and pipelines are parameterized and how these parameters are passed between the different objects. The basic concepts behind this process are well explained by the MSDN documentation – for example Create a trigger that runs a pipeline on a schedule. In this example an trigger is created that runs a pipeline every 15 minute and passes the property “scheduledTime” of the trigger to the pipeline. This is the JSON expression that is used:
@trigger() basically references the object that is returned by the trigger and it seems that this object has a property called “scheduledTime”. So far so good, this is documented and fulfills the basic needs. Some of these properties are also documented here: System variables supported by Azure Data Factory but unfortunately not all of them.
So sometimes this trigger objects can be much more complex and also contain additional information that may not be documented. This makes it pretty hard for the developer to actually know which properties exist and how they could be used. A good example are Event-Based Triggers which were just recently introduced where the documentation only mentions the properties “fileName” and “folderPath” but it contains much more (details see further down). For simplicity I will stick to scheduled triggers at this point but the very same concept applies to all kinds of triggers and actually also to all other internal objects like @pipeline(), @dataset() or @activity() as well!
So how can you investigate those internal objects like @trigger() and see what they actually look like? Well, the answer is quite simple – just pass the object itself without any property to the pipeline. The target parameter of the pipeline can either be of type String or Object. This allows you to see the whole object on the Monitoring-page once the pipeline is triggered:
For the Scheduled-trigger, the object looks like this:
And as you can guess, you can pass any of these properties to the pipeline using the syntax “@trigger().<property_name>” or even the whole object! The syntax can of course also be combined with all the built-in expressions.
This should hopefully make it easier for you to build and debug more complex Azure Data Factory v2 pipelines!
Below you can find an example of the object that a Event-Based Trigger creates:
Note that right now, it does not say whether the trigger fired because the file was created, updated or deleted! But I hope this will be fixed by the product team in the near future.
As you probably know from my last blog post, I am currently upgrading the PowerBI reporting platform of one of my customer from a PowerBI backend (dataset hosted in PowerBI service) to an Azure Analysis Services backend. The upgrade/import of the dataset into Azure Analysis Services itself worked pretty flawless and after switching the connection of the reports everything worked as expected and everyone was happy. However, things got a bit tricky when it came to automatically refreshing the Azure Analysis Services database which was based on an Azure Data Lake Store. For the original PowerBI dataset, this was pretty straight forward as a scheduled refresh from an Azure Data Lake store data source works out of the box. For Azure Analysis Services this is a bit different.
When you build and deploy your data model from Visual Studio, your are prompted for the credentials to access ADLS which are then stored in the data source object of AAS. As you probably know, AAS uses OAuth authentication to access data from ADLS. And this also causes a lot of problems. OAuth is based on tokens and those tokens are only valid for a limited time, by default this is 2 hours. This basically means, that you can process your database for the next 2 hours and it will fail later on with an error message saying that the token expired. (The above applies to all OAuth sources!)
This problem is usually solved by using an Azure Service Principal instead of a regular user account where the token does not expire. Unfortunately, this is not supported at the moment for ADLS data sources and you have to work around this issue.
So the current situation that we need to solve is as follows:
we can only use regular user accounts to connect AAS to ADLS as service principals are not supported yet
the token expires after 2 hours
the database has to be processed on a regular basis (daily, hourly, …) without any manual interaction
manually updating the token is (of course) not an option
Back to our example – as we were already using Azure Automation for some other tasks, we decided to also use it here. Also, PowerShell integrates very well with other Azure components and was the language of choice for us. To accomplish our goal we had to implement 3 steps:
acquire a new OAuth token
update the ADLS data source with the new token
run our processing script
I could copy the code for the first step more or less from one of my older blog post (here) where I used PowerShell to acquire an OAuth token to trigger a refresh in PowerBI.
The second step is to update ADLS data source of our Azure Analysis Services model. To get started, the easiest thing to do is to simply open the AAS database in SQL Server Management Studio and let it script the existing datasource for you:
The resulting JSON will look similar to this one:
The important part for us is the “credential” field. It contains all the information necessary to authenticate against our ADLS store. However, most of this information is sensitive so only asterisks are displayed in the script. The rest of the JSON (except for the “credential” field) is currently hardcoded in the PowerShell cmdlet so if you want to use it, you need to change this manually!
The PowerShell cmdlet then combines the hardcoded part with an updated “credential”-field which is obtained by invoking a REST request to retrieve a new OAuth token. The returned object is modified a bit in order to match the required JSON for the datasource.
Once we have our final JSON created, we can send it to our Azure Analysis Services instance by calling the Invoke-ASCmd cmdlet from the SqlServer module.
Again, please see the original blog post mentioned above for the details of this approach.
After we have updated our datasource, we can simply call our regular processing commands which will then be executed using the newly updated credentials.
The script I wrote allows you to specify which objects to process in different ways:
whole database (by leaving AASTableName and AASPartitionName empty)
a single or multiple table and all its partitions (by leaving only AASPartitionName empty)
or multiple partitions of a single table (by specifying exactly one AASTableName and multiple AASPartitionNames
If multiple tables or partitions are specified, the elements are separated by commas (“,”)
So to make the Runbook work in your environment, follow all the initial steps as described in the original blog post from Microsoft. In addition, you also need to create an Application (Type = “Native”) in your Azure Active Directory to obtain the OAuth token programmatically. This application needs the “Sign in and read user profile” permission from the API “Windows Azure Active Directory (Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory)”:
Also remember the ApplicationID, it will be used as a parameter for the final PowerShell Runbook (=parameter “ClientID”!
When it comes to writing the PowerShell code, simply use the code from the download at the end of this blog post.
For the actual credential that you are using, make sure that it has the following permissions:
to update the AAS datasource (can be set in the AAS model or for the whole server)
has access to the required ADLS files/folders which are processed (can be set e.g. via ADLS Data Explorer)
(if you previously used your own account to do all the AAS and ADLS development, this should work just fine)
In general, a similar approach should work for all kinds of datasources that require OAuth authentication but so far I have only tested it with Azure Data Lake Store!
Since April 2017 it is possible to build reports on top of datasets that are hosted in the PowerBI service. This was announced and described here and here in more detail. This might not seem like a big deal at first sight, but it can have a huge impact on how you work with PowerBI. By separating the data model from the report, you can have two or more independent people working with the same dataset. Also, the people who build the reports in the end most not necessarily have the knowledge to build a data model – the just need to use it. So, there are some clear advantages when you split up your workbook:
separation of duty (data modeler vs. report builder)´
any number of reports on top of the same model
easy control over reports as the files are quite small (they only contain the definition of the report)
This is all pretty cool and, from my point of view, the way to go once you want to use the reports in production and/or have several people working on/with the same reports.
But lets go a step further. After some time, as your data model grows, you realize that the reports get slow and also the processing takes a considerable amount of time to finish. The official upgrade path will then guide you to Azure Analysis Services and you will migrate your data model to deal with the larger data volumes and make use of the flexibility in processing you gained by your upgrade. This migration process is very well described here.
So far so good, but what happens to your reports? Last week I was in exactly the position described above and we had to migrate the existing reports (which were base on a dataset hosted in PowerBI) to Azure Analysis Services. As of now, there is now simple way to simply change the connection string from PowerBI to Azure Analysis Services neither in PBI Desktop nor in the Service. But we could think of some options how it might work:
rebuild all reports
use the REST API to update the connection string of the existing reports
modify the .pbix file manually (NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED)
As you can imagine, rebuilding all reports was not really an option.
The next option, the PowerBI REST API looked pretty promising at first sight. It allows you to retrieve and set the dataset that is used by your report. So the idea is to simply create a new dataset which points to Azure Analysis Services in Live Query mode, take the existing report and use the Rebind API call to bind it to the new AAS dataset. Even though this is supposed to work, I could not make it work in my environment. I tried all things that I could think of but nothing work and I also gave up on this.
So I was stuck there but knew that the information of the data source has to be somewhere in the .pbix file. In the past I already did something similar with Excel/PowerPivot files (“Restoring a SSAS Tabular model to PowerPivot”) so I thought I would also give it a try for .pbix files. And it turns out that they are quite similar. For those of you who are new to this, most (if not all) of the files that are associated with a Microsoft tool and end with “x” (e.g. .xlsx/docx/…) are just ZIP-files in the end. To unzip them, simply rename them to .zip and use your favorite zip-tool to open them. You will see a file-structure similar to the one below:
(If your file contains a data model, you see a file called “DataModelSchema” instead of “Connections”. The next steps will not work in this case!). However, in our case, as the report is linked to a dataset hosted in the PowerBI service, our file does not contain any data itself but only the connection information to our data source. As you can guess, this information is stored in the “Connections” file.
To see what a connection to an Azure Analysis Services dataset looks like, I simply created a new PowerBI desktop model and established a Live Connection. Saved it and opened it again as zip file. The Connection file itself is just a JSON but the details are not really relevant here. I simply replaced the Connections file from my original report with the one from my new workbook linked to AAS. Renamed it back to pbix, opened it and voilà, my report was connected to AAS!
This saved us a lot of time and we could move all of our reports within a couple of hours!
Please keep in mind, that this is not officially supported and might break your model. So make sure to always create a backup before you modify the contents of a pbix file manually!
I do not take any responsibility for any broken models or anything else that might happen!
In June 2017, Microsoft announced a new set of API function to manage data refreshes in PowerBI. The new API basically allows you to trigger a refresh or retrieve the history of previously executed refreshes. The full specification can be found in the official MSDN documentation, or using this direct links: Refresh dataset and Get dataset refresh history
So besides the scheduled and manual refreshes from within the PowerBI service directly, we now have a third option to trigger refreshes but this time also from an external caller! This itself is already pretty awesome and some people already did some cool stuff leveraging the new API functions:
The basic idea is to use object from pre-built Azure Management DLLs to generate the OAuth Access token that is necessary to use the API. This works very well locally but cannot be used in the cloud – e.g. in combination with Azure Automation Runbooks or Azure Functions where you cannot install or reference any custom DLLs.
In this blog post I will show you how you can accomplish exactly this – create an Azure Automation Runbook to refresh your PowerBI dataset! But first of all there are some things that you need to keep in mind:
There are no service accounts in PowerBI so we will always use a “real” user
you need to supply the credentials of a “real” user
The user needs to have appropriate access to the dataset in order to refresh it
the dataset refresh must succeed if you do it manually in PowerBI
you are still limited to 8 refreshes/day through the API
OK, so lets get started. First of all we need an Azure Application which has permissions in PowerBI. The easiest way to do this is to use the navigate to, log in with your account and simply follow the steps on the screen. The only import thing is to select the App Type “Native app”. At the end, you will receive a ClientID and a ClientSecret – Please remember the ClientID for later use!
Now lets take a look at the PowerShell code. Instead of using any pre-built DLLs I removed all unnecessary code and do all the communication using Invoke-RestMethod. This is a very low-level function and is part of the standard PowerShell modules so there is no need to install anything! The tricky part is to acquire an Authentication Token using username/password as it is nowhere documented (at least I could not find it) what the REST call has to look like. So I used Fiddler to track the REST calls that the pre-built DLLs use and rebuilt them using Invoke-RestMethod. This is what I came up with:
$clientId is the ClientID of the Azure AD Application $pbiUsername is the email address of the PowerBI user. $pbiPassword is the password of the PowerBI user. The $authRepsonse then contains our Authentication token which we can use to make our subsequent calls:
And that’s all you need. I wrapped everything into a PowerShell function that can be used as an Azure Runbook. The username/password is derived from an Azure Automation Credential.
CredentialName – the name of the Azure Automation credential that you created and which stores the PowerBI username and password
ClientID – the ID of your Azure Active Directory Application which you created in the first step
PBIDatasetName – the name of the PowerBI dataset that you want to refresh
PBIGroupName – (optional) the name of the group/workspace in which the PowerBI dataset from 3) resides
When everything is working as expected, you can create custom schedules or even create webhooks to trigger the script and refresh you PowerBI dataset! As you probably know, this is really powerful as you can now make the refresh of the PowerBI dataset part of your daily ETL job!
In my last post I wrote about how to Debug Custom .Net Activities in Azure Data Factory locally. This fixes one of the biggest issues in Azure Data Factory at the moment for developers. The next bigger problem that you will run into is when it comes to deploying your Azure Data Factory project. At the moment, you can only do it manually from Visual Studio which, for bigger projects, can take quite some time. So I extended and advanced the code from my CustomActivityDebugger. Well, actually I rewrote some major parts of it and moved it into a new GitHub repository: Azure.DataFactory.LocalEnvironment
The new code base now includes the functionality to export an existing ADF project to an ARM template which can then be deployed very easily using Azure standard deployment mechanisms.
So basically, these are the changes and new Features that I made:
Export as ARM template:
Export all ADF objects and properties
Support for configurations
obey dependencies between ADF objects
parameterized Data Factory name
automatic upload of ADF dependencies (e.g. custom activities)
specify the region where ADF should be deployed (ADF is not available in all regions yet!)
Custom Activity Debugger:
simplified usability – just select the pipeline, activity and set the slice-dates
Support for configurations
no need to add any namespaces
no need to add any references
write activity log to console output
Load from the ADF Project file (.dfproj) instead of a whole folder
implemented as Assembly
can be used in a Console Application for automation
will be published via NuGet in the future! (coming soon)
Everything else is described in the Git-Repository itself!
Some time ago Microsoft released the first preview of a tool which allows you to monitor and control your Azure Data Factory (ADF). It is a web UI where you can select your Pipeline, Activity or Dataset and check its execution state over time. However, from my very personal point of view the UI could be much better, especially much clearer(!) as it is at the moment. But that’s not really a problem as the thing I like the most about ADF is that its quite open for developers (for example Custom C#/.Net Activities) and it also offers a quite comprehensive REST API to control an manage it. For our monitoring purposes we are mainly interested in the LIST interface but we could do basically every operation using this API. In my example I only used the Dataset API, the Slices API and the Pipeline API.
First we start with the Dataset API to get a list of all data sets in our Data Factory. This is quite simple as we just need to build our URL of the REST web service like this:
You can get all of this information for the Azure Portal by simply navigating to your Data Factory and checking the URL which will be similar to this one:
So this would be my values for the API Call: – {SubscriptionID} would be “12345678-3232-4a04-a0a6-6e44bf2f5d11” – {ResourceGroupName} would be “myResourceGroup” – {DataFactoryName} would be “myDataFactory” – {api-version} would be a fixed value of “2015-10-01”
Once you have your URL you can use PowerBI to query the API using Get Data –> From Web Next you need to authenticate using your Personal or Organizational Account – the same that you use to sign in to the Portal – and also the level for which you want to use the credentials. I’d recommend you to set it either to the subscription level or to the data-factory itself, depending on your security requirements. This ensures that you are not asked for credentials for each different API:
This works in a very similar way also for the Slices API, the Pipeline API and all other APIs available! The other transformations I used are regular PowerQuery/M steps done via the UI so I am not going to describe them in more detail here. Also, setting up the relationships in our final PowerPivot model should be straight forward.
Now that we have all the required data in place, we can start with our report. I used some custom visuals for the calendar view, some slicers and a simple table to show the details. I also used a Sankey Chart to visualize the dependencies between the datasets.
Compared to the standard GUI for monitoring this provides a much better overview of slices and their current states and it also allows easy filtering. I am sure there are a lot of other PowerBI visualizations which would make a lot of sense here, these are just to give you an idea how it could look like, but of course you have all the freedom PowerBI offers you for reporting!
The only drawback at the moment is that you cannot reschedule/reset slices from PowerBI but for my monitoring-use-case this was not a problem at all. Also, I did not include the SliceRun API in my report as this would increase the size of the data model a lot, so detailed log information is not available in my sample report.
UPDATE 2017-02-22: I released a new toolset for Azure Data Factor which also integrates the Customer .Net Activity Debugger from this blob post. Please refer to the new GitHub project: (all links have been changed to refer to the new repository!)
Azure Data Factory (ADF) is one of the newer tools of the whole Microsoft Data Platform on Azure. It is Microsoft’s Data Integration tool, which allows you to easily load data from you on-premises servers to the cloud (and also the other way round). It comes with some handy templates to copy data fro various sources to any available destination. However, when the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) or ELT steps get more complicated you will hit the (current) out-of-the-box limits of Azure Data Factory pretty soon. But this is OK as ADF is a very open platform and allows you to integrate so called “Custom Activities”. These can either be .Net/C# Activities or HDInsight Activities. In this post we will focus on .Net Activities and how to develop and debug them in an efficient way.
A .Net Activity is basically just a .dll which implements a specific Interface (IDotNetActivity)and is then executed by the Azure Data Factory. To be more precise here, the .dll (and all dependencies) are copied to an Azure Batch Node which then executes the code when the .Net Activity is scheduled by ADF. So far so good, but the tricky part is to actually develop the .Net code, test, and debug it. Well, not the code itself but the more or less complex integration with the ADF Interface which you are very likely not familiar with in the beginning. In such cases it usually helps to run the code locally, step into the different code paths and examine the C# objects and their values. The problem is that you do not have a local instance of ADF on your workstation which you could use the start the .Net Activity and debug it interactively in Visual Studio. So I wrote my own tool which you can add to the Solution that already contains the code of your Custom .Net Activity. Then you can simply link the CustomActivityDebugger to the JSON definitions and configurations of your ADF project, reference your custom code, configure some other things like SliceStart/SliceEnd and you are ready to go. Once you start the CustomActivityDebugger it will read all ADF files and settings and basically create a local ADF environment which helps you to debug your custom .Net Activity using all settings and parameters as they would be passed in when the code is executed on the Azure Batch Node.
This little picture shows the CustomActivityDebugger in action – debugging custom .Net activities is now like debugging any other code:
All the sources including a simple ADF Project, a simple Custom Activity and setup instructions are available on my GitHub site:
One of the most requested features when it comes to Azure ML is and has always been the integration into PowerBI. By now we are still lacking a native connector in PowerBI which would allow us to query a published Azure ML web service directly and score our datasets. Reason enough for me to dig into this issue and create some Power Query M scripts to do this. But lets first start off with the basics of Azure ML Web Services.
Every Azure ML project can be published as a Web Service with just a single click. Once its published, it can be used like any other Web Service. Usually we would send a record or a whole dataset to the Web Service, the Azure ML models does some scoring (or any other operation within Azure ML) and then sends the scored result back to the client. This is straight forward and Microsoft even supplies samples for the most common programming languages. The Web Service relies on a standardized REST API which can basically be called by any client. Yes, in our case this client will be PowerBI using Power Query. Rui Quintino has already written an article on AzureML Web Service Scoring with Excel and Power Query and also Chris Webb wrote a more generic one on POST Request in Power Query in general Web Service and POST requests in Power Query. Even Microsoft recently published an article how you can use the R Integration of Power Query to call a Azure ML Web Service here.
Having tried these solutions, I have to admit that they have some major issues: 1) very static / hard coded 2) complex to write 3) operate on row-by-row basis and might run into the API Call Limits as discussed here. 4) need a local R installation
As Azure ML usually deal with tables, which are basically Power Query DataSets, a requirement would be to directly use a Power Query DataSet. The DataSet has to be converted dynamically into the required JSON structure to be POSTed to Azure ML. The returned result, usually a table again, should be converted back to a Power Query DataSet. And that’s what I did, I wrote a function that does all this for you. All information that you have to supply can be found in the configuration of your Azure ML Web Service: – Request URI of your Web Service – API Key – the [Table to Score]
the [Table to Score] can be any Power Query table but of course has to have the very same structure (including column names and data types) as expected by the Web Service Input. Then you can simply call my function:
The whole process involves a lot of JSON conversions and is kind of complex but as I encapsulated everything into M functions it should be quite easy to use by simply calling the CallAzureMLService-function.
However, here is a little description of the used functions and the actual code:
ToAzureMLJson – converts any object that is passed in as an argument to a JSON element. If you pass in a table, it is converted to a JSON-array. Dates and Numbers are formatted correctly, etc. so the result can the be passed directly to Azure ML.
ToAzureMLJson= (input as any) as text =>
transformationList = {
[Type = type time, Transformation = (value_in as time) as text => """" & Time.ToText(value_in, "hh:mm:ss.sss") & """"],
[Type = type date, Transformation = (value_in as date) as text => """" & Date.ToText(value_in, "yyyy-MM-dd") & """"],
[Type = type datetime, Transformation = (value_in as datetime) as text => """" & DateTime.ToText(value_in, "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sss" & """")],
[Type = type datetimezone, Transformation = (value_in as datetimezone) as text => """" & DateTimeZone.ToText(value_in, "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sss") & """"],
[Type = type duration, Transformation = (value_in as duration) as text => ToAzureMLJson(Duration.TotalSeconds(value_in))],
[Type = type number, Transformation = (value_in as number) as text => Number.ToText(value_in, "G", "en-US")],
[Type = type logical, Transformation = (value_in as logical) as text => Logical.ToText(value_in)],
[Type = type text, Transformation = (value_in as text) as text => """" & value_in & """"],
[Type = type record, Transformation = (value_in as record) as text =>
GetFields = Record.FieldNames(value_in),
FieldsAsTable = Table.FromList(GetFields, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), {"FieldName"}, null, ExtraValues.Error),
AddFieldValue = Table.AddColumn(FieldsAsTable, "FieldValue", each Record.Field(value_in, [FieldName])),
AddJson = Table.AddColumn(AddFieldValue, "__JSON", each ToAzureMLJson([FieldValue])),
jsonOutput = "[" & Text.Combine(AddJson[__JSON], ",") & "]"
[Type = type table, Transformation = (value_in as table) as text =>
BufferedInput = Table.Buffer(value_in),
GetColumnNames = Table.ColumnNames(BufferedInput),
ColumnNamesAsTable = Table.FromList(GetColumnNames , Splitter.SplitByNothing(), {"FieldName"}, null, ExtraValues.Error),
ColumnNamesJson = """ColumnNames"": [""" & Text.Combine(ColumnNamesAsTable[FieldName], """, """) & """]",
AddJson = Table.AddColumn(value_in, "__JSON", each ToAzureMLJson(_)),
ValuesJson = """Values"": [" & Text.Combine(AddJson[__JSON], ",#(lf)") & "]",
jsonOutput = "{""Inputs"": { ""input1"": {" & ColumnNamesJson & "," & ValuesJson & "} }, ""GlobalParameters"": {} }"
[Type = type list, Transformation = (value_in as list) as text => ToAzureMLJson(Table.FromList(value_in, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), {"ListValue"}, null, ExtraValues.Error))],
[Type = type binary, Transformation = (value_in as binary) as text => """0x" & Binary.ToText(value_in, 1) & """"],
[Type = type any, Transformation = (value_in as any) as text => if value_in = null then "null" else """" & value_in & """"]
transformation = List.First(List.Select(transformationList , each Value.Is(input, _[Type]) or _[Type] = type any))[Transformation],
result = transformation(input)
AzureMLJsonToTable – converts the returned JSON back to a Power Query Table. It obeys column names and also data types as defined in the Azure ML Web Service output. If the output changes (e.g. new columns are added) this will be taken care of dynamically!
AzureMLJsonToTable = (azureMLResponse as binary) as any =>
WebResponseJson = Json.Document(azureMLResponse ,1252),
Results = WebResponseJson[Results],
output1 = Results[output1],
value = output1[value],
BufferedValues = Table.Buffer(Table.FromRows(value[Values])),
ColumnNameTable = Table.AddIndexColumn(Table.FromList(value[ColumnNames], Splitter.SplitByNothing(), {"NewColumnName"}, null, ExtraValues.Error), "Index", 0, 1),
ColumnNameTable_Values = Table.AddIndexColumn(Table.FromList(Table.ColumnNames(BufferedValues), null, {"ColumnName"}), "Index", 0, 1),
RenameList = Table.ToRows(Table.RemoveColumns(Table.Join(ColumnNameTable_Values, "Index", ColumnNameTable, "Index"),{"Index"})),
RenamedValues = Table.RenameColumns(BufferedValues, RenameList),
ColumnTypeTextTable = Table.AddIndexColumn(Table.FromList(value[ColumnTypes], Splitter.SplitByNothing(), {"NewColumnType_Text"}, null, ExtraValues.Error), "Index", 0, 1),
ColumnTypeText2Table = Table.AddColumn(ColumnTypeTextTable, "NewColumnType", each
if Text.Contains([NewColumnType_Text], "Int") then type number
else if Text.Contains([NewColumnType_Text], "DateTime") then type datetime
else if [NewColumnType_Text] = "String" then type text
else if [NewColumnType_Text] = "Boolean" then type logical
else if [NewColumnType_Text] = "Double" or [NewColumnType_Text] = "Single" then type number
else if [NewColumnType_Text] = "datetime" then type datetime
else if [NewColumnType_Text] = "DateTimeOffset" then type datetimezone
else type any),
ColumnTypeTable = Table.RemoveColumns(ColumnTypeText2Table ,{"NewColumnType_Text"}),
DatatypeList = Table.ToRows(Table.RemoveColumns(Table.Join(ColumnNameTable, "Index", ColumnTypeTable, "Index"),{"Index"})),
RetypedValues = Table.TransformColumnTypes(RenamedValues, DatatypeList, "en-US"),
output = RetypedValues
CallAzureMLService – uses the two function from above to convert a table to JSON, POST the JSON to Azure ML and convert the result back to a Power Query Table.
CallAzureMLService = (
WebServiceURI as text,
WebServiceKey as text,
TableToScore as table,
optional Timeout as number
) as any =>
WebTimeout = if Timeout = null then #duration(0,0,0,100) else #duration(0,0,0,Timeout) ,
WebServiceContent = ToAzureMLJson(TableToScore),
WebResponse = Web.Contents(WebServiceURI,
[Content = Text.ToBinary(WebServiceContent),
Headers = [Authorization="Bearer " & WebServiceKey,
Timeout = WebTimeout]),
output = AzureMLJsonToTable(WebResponse)
Known Issues: As the [Table to Score] will probably come from a SQL DB or somewhere else, you may run into issues with Privacy Levels/Settings and the Formula Firewall. In this case make sure to enable Fast Combine for your workbook as described here.
The maximum timeout of a Request/Response call to an Azure ML Web Service is 100 seconds. If your call exceeds this limit, you might get an error message returned.I ran a test and tried to score 60k rows (with 2 numeric columns) at once and it worked just fine, but I would assume that you can run into some Azure ML limits here very easily with bigger data sets. As far as I know, these 100 seconds are for the Azure ML itself only. If it takes several minutes to upload your dataset in the POST request, than this is not part of this 100 seconds. If you are still hitting this issue, you could further try to split your table into different batches, score them separately and combine the results again afterwards.
So these are the steps that you need to do in order to use your Azure ML Web Service together with PowerBI: 1) Create an Azure ML Experiment (or use an existing) 2) Publish the Experiment as a Web Service 3) note the URL and the API Key of your Web Service 4) run PowerBI and load the data that you want to score 5) make sure that the dataset created in 4) has the exact same structure as expected by Azure ML (column names, data types, …) 6) call the function “CallAzureMLWebService” with the parameters from 3) and 5) 7) wait for the Web Service to return the result set 8) load the final table into PowerBI (or do some further transformations before)
And that’s it!
Download: You can find a PowerBI workbook which contains all the functions and code here: CallAzureMLWebService.pbix I used a simple Web Service which takes 2 numeric columns (“Number1” and “Number2”) and returns the [Number1] * [Number2] and [Number1] / [Number2]
PS: you will not be able to run the sample as it is as I changed the API Key and also the URL of my original Azure ML Web Service
In my previous post I showed how to setup a Power BI Data Management Gateway on a non-domain Azure VM. The final setup is also the starting-point for this post where we will use self-signed certificates to use HTTPS/SSL connectivity to our DMG. So make sure that you have all prerequisites up and running before you continue reading.
Basically, the process to switch to HTTPS is pretty straight forward. Simply open your DMG, go to Settings and change from HTTP to HTTPS. Finally select your certificate and you are ready to go! This may work in a corporate hybrid environment where everything is set up correctly but for a non-Azure VM this is a bit more complicated and this is what this post is about.
Besides the initial setup from my previous post there are some steps you need to do in advance in order for HTTPS connectivity to work: 1) Open the port that the DMG HTTPS connection uses in your Windows Firewall (default is port 8050) 2) Create an Endpoint for your Azure VM for the very same port 3) Create a self-signed certificate to be used to establish a secure connection
You should already be familiar with 1) and 2) as you needed to do the same steps also for your HTTP port of your DMG (default is port 8051 here). To create a self-signed certificate you can simply follow the steps as described here. The important thing here is to use the full qualified server name: This is very import, otherwise the final connection will not work!
Your MakeCert-command should look similar to this: makecert -r -pe -n “” -b 01/01/2000 -e 01/01/2050 -eku -ss my -sr localMachine -sky exchange -sp “Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider” -sy 12
After you run the command the new certificate is automatically added to your users personal certificates and can be used when setting up HTTPS connectivity for your DMG:
Once you click [OK] it takes some time (~1 Minute) until everything is updated and HTTPS connectivity can be used. Now you can use Excel and Power Query to search for your data sources that are published via OData. You will find all of them but as soon as you try to load the data you will receive the following error:
That’s a bit surprising as the DMG is configured correctly using HTTPS and the very same OData feed worked just fine with HTTP. But here comes the error in my thinking that I was not aware of before talking to Benjamin Tang and Samuel Zhang from the product team. Until that point I always thought that the data is load through the cloud and there is no direct connection from my client to the server: But this is not how it works!
What actually happens in the background is that the request to the Power BI OData service gets redirected to the server and the client connects directly to the server:
And this is also where our PQ error originates as the certificate used is not a trusted certificate on the client. In order to make it a trusted certificate you need to install it on the client. This can be done by following these steps: 1) Launch Internet Explorer using “Run as Administrator” (I’m serious here, this only works with IE but not with e.g. Chrome!) 2) navigate to (or whatever servername/port you used) 3) continue to the website and ignore the certificate error 4) press [Cancel] at the popup the asks for credentials 5) now click on the “Certificate error” in the menu bar and press “View certificates” 6) Now install the certificate: (Please note that this option is only available if you are using Internet Explorer launched as Administrator!!!) 7) select the location where you want to store the certificate (Current User or Local Machine depending whether it should be installed for you only or for all users) 8) whichever storage location you used, just make sure that you place the certificate in the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” on the next page:
Once you have installed the certificate to your Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store the Power Query connections works again but now it is using HTTPS!
Of course this solution is only for demo and testing purposes, in a real world scenario you would already have your certificates in place and everything should indeed work out-of-the-box.
In one of my recent posts I explained how to use the Power BI Data Management Gateway to access data hosted in a SQL Server running on an Azure VM. At the time of writing that post the steps to establish connectivity were not quite intuitive. With the latest Update of the Data Management Gateway (Version 1.2.5303.1 and later) things got a bit easier. However, there is still a little thing that you have to configure to make everything work smoothly. First of all, I highly recommend you to read my first post on this topic to fully understand the actual issue and why it does not work out-of-the-box.
When creating a new Data Source the DMG has to be reachable from the machine on which the Data Source Manager (the Click-Once application where you enter your SQL credentials) is executed. The hostname is derived from the DMG and for Azure VMs this does by default not reflect the hostname under which the VM is reachable from public. The hostname would be “MyServer” whereas the public DNS name is “”. To check what hostname the DMG is using you can execute the following Power Shell command:
In order to change this hostname you can either join the VM to a domain (which is not what we want to do here) or use the following approach:
Open the System settings of your server: You will notice that both, “Computer name” and “Full computer name” show the same name, and both without the suffix “”. In order to change this we need to click the “Change settings” button right next to the names to open the System Properties:
Again, click [Change …] to open the computers domain settings: As you can see, the “Full computer name” does not show our required suffix “” yet. We can change this in the dialog available via the [More …] Button: Here we can set our “Primary DNS suffix” – we set it to “” (without leading dot) to reflect our public DNS name.
By clicking [OK] on all open windows you will see the new full name “” now being used as “Full computer name” everywhere. Also our Power Shell command from above now shows the correct hostname. Note that this change also requires a reboot of the VM.
Once the machine is rebooted and DMG is running again you can now use any client machine to create your Data Source which was previously only possible from the server directly and required a RDP connection. Also HTTPS connectivity with self-signed certificates works with this approach which I will show in one of my next posts – so stay tuned!